Dear lovely readers, hope everyone of you enjoying your life (in a proper way of course) :) .
I've been hibernating for quite sometimes. Too many things happened back then. Will try to update one by one later, including a couple of books that I got during my vacation back in Malaysia.
So, today I just wanna stop by and say Hello to everyone!! Miss you guys!
A Journey Back To The Basic
To share some thoughts, knowledge, advice, experience or anything that would be useful to others.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Assalamualaikum, good morning love!
I came across with this article this morning from with an interesting topic and content to read and something to ponder on. Marriage!! Will marriage solve our problems? Lets see what the author opinion on this. Happy reading dear love!
By Ubah Mohamoud
After engaging more with the Muslim community through activities like da`wah (calling to Islam), conferences, and halaqat (study circles), I have observed something intriguing: there seems to be a fascination—even obsession—with the topic of marriage. Regardless of whether a particular lecture is dedicated to something other than gender relations, the topic of marriage somehow always creeps up.
Now, do I consider this a bad thing? Not necessarily. Indeed, considering the magnitude of fitan (trials) that many unmarried folks face, such as the pressure to date or deal with the opposite gender on terms outside of the boundaries of Islam, I believe that marriage is something that should be discussed and encouraged.
Source: |
What I’m more fascinated with, however, are the underlying reasons for why people – especially the youth – want to get married so quickly. Despite not having enough resources to care for themselves, let alone a spouse, or whether they understand the Islamic obligations and duties of a spouse, it seems that many of our brothers and sisters have become consumed with the thought of marriage…why? I wonder: what are the psychological reasons behind why a person—who might not be physically or emotionally prepared—wants to get married? If this sounds like you—have you asked yourself why? I mean, apart from the obvious reasons of wanting to complete “half your deen,” or pleasing Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He), do you think there are some underlying issues that may be driving you to consider marriage?
Here are some reasons that I have come up with on my own:
- I have noticed that some people view marriage as an escape from their current situations. Perhaps they believe that by getting married, all of their social and familial problems will be solved. Unfortunately, some Muslims may be living under dire conditions at home and might be going through emotional and/or physical abuse, and so for them marriage seems like a way out.
- Some people may feel misunderstood by their peers and families, and may desire a partner who can understand and sympathize with them.
- Some individuals may be feeling pressure from their relatives or cultural/ethnic communities. They may be made to feel bad for not finding a spouse, or even ridiculed and ostracized for being single.
- A lot of people seem to be what I’d like to call “baby-obsessed”: for them, marriage is about having child, after child, after child, after…you get the point.
- For some, being in a relationship is about status: literally going from “single” to “taken” or “married.” It is about letting the world know that “Yes, I am important,” and the fact that they have a partner is a sign of that importance.
- What about those who feel left out? Some may find that all of their friends or peers are getting married, and yet there they are, all alone. They may internalize their “single-hood” and begin to think that something is wrong with them.
My point is, issues such as low self-esteem, lack of attention, the desire for appreciation, the need to be noticed, lack of emotional support, peer/familial pressures, and societal expectations are, unfortunately, some of the underlying reasons people may seek marriage. We have been made to believe that marriage will solve all of our problems; that after getting married, we will truly live happily ever after. In my opinion, this outlook turns marriage into an end instead of a means and as a result, marriage becomes the “end all, be all” for many of us, We tell ourselves things like: “after marriage, I’ll be happy,” “after I get married, I’ll be satisfied.” We begin to view marriage as the ultimate solution to all of our problems, when in reality it is not. Marriage must be viewed as a means, and understood in terms of your personal relationship with Allah (swt). It is not marriage, in and of itself, that will bring you things such as happiness or contentment. Rather, it is through the act of marriage that you will find yourself coming closer to Allah (swt) insha’Allah (God willing). Through coming closer to Him and turning back to Him, you will begin to find true happiness and contentment, insha’Allah (God willing). That said, marriage should be viewd as a means to draw you closer to Allah (swt); a means of attaining His pleasure and earning His Paradise.
Brothers and sisters, marriage won’t solve your problems—Allah (swt) will.
So, if you find yourself currently in a rut—everything seems to be going “bad” for you; you’re depressed, lonely, sad, angry, frustrated, confused, or hurt—take a step towards Allah (swt). Turn to Him to solve your problems. Who knows, marriage may be the means through which He decides to help you…yet at the same time, it may not be. The point is, we need to start viewing the idea of marriage with a healthy mindset: one that is enriched with knowledge and empowerment from the Qur’an and Sunnah and one that realizes that Allah (swt) alone is the solver of all our problems and issues—and Allah (swt) knows best.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Untuk Kita Pendosa Harapan Selalu Ada
Assalamualaikum wahai pembaca sekalian.
So, hari ni I nak share something pasal buku terbaru karangan saudara Hilal Asyraf yang bertajuk Untuk Kita Pendosa Harapan Masih Ada.
I bought this book during the pre order and exclusively signed by the author himself, Hilal Asyraf!!! And not to forget, I also bought Sebelum Aku Bernikah. But I will not talk about it here, in future insyaAllah.
Kita selagi bernama manusia, takkan pernah terlepas dari melakukan dosa. Cuma yang membezakan kita adalah, adakah kita akan terus menerus membiarkan diri bergelumang dan terjerumus dalam lembah dosa tersebut??? Ataupun, kita sedar dan bangkit dari dosa-dosa tersebut, meninggalkannya dan berusaha mencari redha Allah s.w.t serta kembali ke jalan Nya?? Itu adalah pilihan yang tersedia buat kita. Jadi, terpulang samada mahu memilih untuk kekal dalam dosa atau mahu kembali kepada Nya.
Seperti yang dikatakan oleh penulis, "Dosa adalah ujian. Mahu pulang ataupun terus dilalaikan."Malah, ketika melihat front cover buku ini, hati merasakan bahawa peluang masih dan sentiasa terbuka luas untuk kembali ke jalan Nya.
"Wahai hamba-hamba Ku yang melampaui batas kepada diri sendiri. Janganlah kamu berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni semua dosa-dosa. Sungguh Dialah yang Maha Pengampun, Maha Penyayang." Az-Zumar, ayat 53.
Apa yang cuba disampaikan oleh penulis ini ialah, semua kita adalah pendosa selagi mana kita ini bernama manusia. Beliau memujuk kita dan memberi harapan bahawa sentiasa ada jalan, ruang dan peluang untuk kembali ke pangkal jalan. Beliau mengupas banyak perkara didalam buku ini, antaranya adalah tentang dosa, muhasabah diri, peluang-peluang serta ruang yang ada untuk memperbaiki diri, kesan-kesan dosa kepada hati, fizikal dan mental, apa yang membuatkan kita terjerumus kepada dosa, cabaran-cabaran yang mungkin dihadapi buat yang mahu berubah, bagaimana untuk berubah, memotivasikan diri serta menyatakan betapa besar dan luasnya rahmat, pengampunan serta kasih sayang Allah buat hamba-hamba Nya.
Seperti yang beliau nyatakan, ini adalah satu permulaan untuk mereka yang mahu kembali kepangkuan Allah s.w.t. Berdasarkan beberapa pengalaman membaca buku-buku motivasi, I sangat suka cara penulisan beliau untuk buku ini. Setiap bab dihuraikan dengan ringkas, padat, dengan contoh-contoh yang universal merangkumi semua aspek kehidupan, disertakan ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran dan hadith-hadith bagi menyokong point-point yang disampaikan. Tidak seperti kebanyakan buku yang mana satu bab meliputi sehingga lebih 10 muka surat, dalam buku ini, in average, one chapter 4-5 pages only. Caranya juga bersahaja tapi terasa kesannya buat jiwa. Well, perhaps different people has different opinion about this.
I definitely suggest everyone who would like to get back on the right track but don't know how and where to start, to get a copy of this book. You can get it on the major bookstore such as MPH or you get it online from LangitIlahi Store for only RM18.00.
May our good intention to become someone better being blessed by Allah s.w.t.
Till then, wassalam.
Friday, February 22, 2013
It's Friday! A day that's full of barakah. May Allah bless us. <3
I wanna write something about trust.
A word that has a deep meaning to us. Why? In any kind of relationship, to make it last and happy ( at least), first, you will need to trust your partners and gain trust from them. But never trust someone 100%!!!
Source: |
When you trust your friends/partners, you will be less worry about what they will do and the decision they will make. However, when someone betrayed you, broken the trust that you gave, things will never be the same like before. Every single thing that they said and will doubt it. The doubt feeling will be dominant, and will slowly ruin the relationship. In some cases, it ruins immediately. *sigh*
To the one who betrayed and broke the trust, don't get mad when people have doubts about every story that you told even though it is true. Because, it is very hard to gain trust from someone and it is very easy to destroy it. Therefore, once you get the trust, please take a very good care of it.
Trust is like a paper. Once it's crumpled, it can't be perfect.
It takes years to build trust, but it takes a few seconds to destroy it.
Trust is like a mirror. Once its BROKEN you can never look at it the same again.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Allah Is Our Aim
First post in 2013! Phewwww!!! Too busy? Perhaps....
Jangan jadikan manusia lain sebagai tempat bergantung atau mohon pertolongan, tapi bergantung haraplah dan mohonlah pertolongan daripada Allah s.w.t. Maka bantuan Allah itu akan datang dari pelbagai cara termasuklah melalui orang disekitar kita. ♥ Jadikan Allah sebagai matlamat dan manusia itu sebagai salah satu alat (bukan memperalatkan OK!) dan bukan disebaliknya. ♥
*Make Allah as our aim and the people or the other living things as a medium; not the other way around*
Last weekend usrah, one of the topic that's being discussed was about this issue. What make to post this topic is, I'm working to solve and understand an equation which is totally new to me. I found this equation about last 2 months but since it seems complicated and difficult, I put it aside at that moment. Until I have time to think about it last week.
Staring, thinking, searching, reading and calculating...still cannot fully understand, thus use it to solve my problem. After each prayer, I tell Him about my problem. And alhamdulillah, I met someone who has a background and some knowledge about the equation. We work and discuss about it a couple of times and until this moment (while I'm writing), to make sure that our solution is correct. It becomes clear and I can understand what is the equation is all about and how to implement it for my work.
In this case, this person is a medium or a way that Allah sent to help give me knowledge... And also to keep me believing that Allah is the Best and the Only Provider for me. Sufficient.
Thank You ALLAH ♥♥♥
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed
Assalamualaikum, good morning and ohaiyou!!!
Till then... wassalam.
Today I wanna share a good news with all of you (^o^). Last week, I ordered a book, "Reclaim Your Heart" by sister Yasmin Mogahed. It arrived on Sunday evening. For those who have read her articles before, this is some sort of compilation of her articles and mainly about self-motivational, personal insights on breaking free from life's shackles.
The front cover of the book
It is interesting to read and easy to understand since it is based on her own experience. Taken from the synopsis at the back cover, which you also can see from the bottom picture:
"Many of us live our lives entrapped by the same repeated patterns of heartbreak and disappointment. Often, we have no idea why this happens. Reclaim Your Heart is about freeing the heart from this slavery. It is about the journey in and out of life's most deceptive traps."
"This book was written to awake the heart and provide a new perspective on love, loss, happiness and pain. A manual of sort, Reclaim Your Heart will teach readers how to live in this life without allowing life to own you. It is a manual of how to protect your most prized possession-the heart."
The back cover
Even though the book contains verses from Al-Quran and written based on Islamic way, but it is also useful and suitable for the non-Muslim readers. I believe that this book is worth to buy and read as a reminder and as a motivation to ourselves. You can find this book in hard copy form and e-book form at:
Till then... wassalam.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Cheering Up Myself!!!
Assalamualaikum and hi to all,
This blog has been quiet for quite sometimes ( been too lazy to update). Thinking to express how I feel right now. In mood swing for a couple of days. Feels like to punch 2 morons to the face. Hmm... Maybe it is a test and reminder from Him to me, since I'm a bit 'strayed' from the right track for a period of time. Too enjoying my life not in a proper way. (-_-')
This feeling started in a similar way like in the previous story. "Curiosity killed the cat". Well, that proverb is true. Even though my curiosity causing me in emotionally unstable now, but am glad actually in a sense that it makes me think rationally.
I couldn't stay like this for any longer, because it caused sorrow inside me, distracted my focus on my work & study and also ruined my appetite [this one I like for my diet (^_^)V ]. During reciting Al-Quran after dhuhr prayer, I come across to these verses:
This blog has been quiet for quite sometimes ( been too lazy to update). Thinking to express how I feel right now. In mood swing for a couple of days. Feels like to punch 2 morons to the face. Hmm... Maybe it is a test and reminder from Him to me, since I'm a bit 'strayed' from the right track for a period of time. Too enjoying my life not in a proper way. (-_-')
This feeling started in a similar way like in the previous story. "Curiosity killed the cat". Well, that proverb is true. Even though my curiosity causing me in emotionally unstable now, but am glad actually in a sense that it makes me think rationally.
I couldn't stay like this for any longer, because it caused sorrow inside me, distracted my focus on my work & study and also ruined my appetite [this one I like for my diet (^_^)V ]. During reciting Al-Quran after dhuhr prayer, I come across to these verses:
"Therefore remember Me, I will remember you, and be thankful to Me,
and do not be ungrateful to Me. O you who believe!
Seek assistance through patience and prayer;
surely Allah is with the patient". (Al-Baqarah, 152-153)
"And We will most certainly try you with somewhat of fear and hunger
and loss of property and lives and fruits; and give good news to the patient,
Who, when a misfortune befalls them, say: Surely we are Allah's and to Him
we shall surely return. Those are they on whom are blessings and mercy from
their Lord, and those are the followers of the right course." (Al-Baqarah, 155-157)
~Thinking to pick the sunflower seeds at that time~
~Nice view of sunflower farm~
~Among must see event during summer. Aren't they wonderful??~
~Love the colours so much~
I felt much better after that. Knowing that, every time I'm in difficulty, He will talk to me through Al-Quran. Believe me, it always works this way with me, it just a matter of the right time and I'm sure many of us have also experienced the same thing. So I decided to cheer up myself and nobody can make me happy except for myself. Here's the sunflowers to brighten my day and wonderful fireworks to cheer me up (reminds me of the Katy Perry song, Fireworks), even though the summer has passed and now the autumn is here. <(^o^)>
Till we meet again... Wassalam.
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