Assalamualaikum warahmatullah,
Dear readers, I hope everyone is fine. Been busy lately with all the works. Alhamdulillah, some of them turn out very well.
Today, I wanna share something that I've been thinking for quite sometimes. Perhaps nothing new to some of you, but let just take it as a reminder.
Do you love your father? Many of us will simply say "Yes! I do." without taking time to think about it. Ye la kan, siapa yang tak sayang bapa, unless yang ada krisis or sejarah hitam dengan insan yang bergelar bapa. Kali ni, yang I nak share maybe lebih sesuai dengan perempuan yang masih single.
Dalam kita mengaku bahawa kita sayang bapa kita, pernahkah kita melihat kembali apa yang kita lakukan untuk membalas kasih sayang yang diberikan oleh beliau? Some would say, every year I celebrate his birthday and Father's Day, I kiss and hug him everyday and so on. Do you think all of that enough to show that you love him?
Once, when I faced a big issue, for the first time I talked about my personal problem with my father. To me, there is a gap, between me and my parents in terms of sharing my personal story. The funny thing is even my cousins will come to my father to seek for an advice about their personal matters, but not his own daughter. So, when I decided to talk about my personal problem and asked for his advise, I felt really glad. All the things he said, brought me back to the right track.
Beliau berkata, kita sebagai manusia, tak pernah terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan dan dosa. Mungkin Allah datangkan ujian ini sebagai peringatan buat kita, agar kita bertaubat dan kembali kepada Nya. Never stop from asking for Allah's forgiveness. Jangan pernah tinggal solat ( slalu jugak tak cukup 5 waktu ),beristighfar selalu, buat solat sunat taubat dan sentiasa berdoa mohon keampunan dan dipermudahkan segala urusan. InsyaAllah, akan lebih tenang hati dan akan ditunjukkan jalan penyelesaian. Dan, hendaklah sabar dan yakin akan pertolongan dari Nya.
Betapa kasih seorang bapa kepada anaknya. After the long conversation through the phone and with all the tears, I sat quietly and suddenly thought about, what are the good things that I did or gave to my father all these time? In terms of material and financially, insyaAllah enough and as the eldest, I have lots of responsibility towards my family. But... are those enough? Air mata kembali mengalir deras apabila teringat satu artikel tentang anak-anak perempuan yang baligh dan belum berkahwin, dosa-dosanya akan turut ditanggung oleh si bapa kerana kecuaian si bapa mendidik anak mengikuti ajaran Islam. Beliau dah cukup beri pendidikan agama kepada I. Pendidikan di rumah, diluar rumah, formal, informal... you name it, semuanya beliau dah usahakan dan berikan. I sangat sedih bila memikirkan yang selama ni, segala dosa, maksiat yang I lakukan telah menambah dosa kepada bapa I. Umpama menempah tiket untuk beliau ke neraka.. nauzubillah.
Seriously, when thinking about that, I told myself that I must try to close all the doors that could lead me from keep doing the sins, the same mistakes in my life. Berhenti dan menjauhkan diri dari segala bentuk kelalaian dan kemaksiatan. I sangat sayang bapa I. I tak nak kerana perbuatan I, beliau yang menanggung dosa. And until today, I keep reminding myself about this because as I said many times before, manusia selalu lupa.
So, I hope, kita sama-sama usaha memperbaiki diri dan menjadi insan yang lebih baik di sisi Allah. Dalam I cuba mengingatkan diri sendiri, rasanya tak salah untuk sama-sama mengingatkan anda yang turut membaca blog ini.
Do you love your father??? Think about it deeply and carefully before you answer it.
Semoga kita sentiasa sayang bapa kita dan membalas kasih sayang tersebut dengan melakukan perkara yang betul dan berlandaskan syariat Islam. Wallahualam.
Till then, wassalam.
To share some thoughts, knowledge, advice, experience or anything that would be useful to others.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Siapa Yang Hendak Di Tipu?!
Dear readers, there's something that I wanna share with you guys. A true story and hope that we can learn something from it.
One morning, XX woke up from her sleep. Entah kenapa tetiba rasa tak sedap hati. Terasa lain sekali. There's a strong instinct inside XX that keep telling her that something fishy is going on with XY. XX really believe her instinct coz it's proven many times.
So, as a routine XX log in into her social network account. Then she went to her friend's page (lets call her YZ) to see the pics that YZ uploaded. There you go!!! Look what XX found. This XY keep telling XX that he felt boring with all these social network stuff and called them crap or bla..bla..bla.. But the funny thing is, XY has another new social network account!! And unfortunately for XY, he doesn't know that YZ is a friend with XX (XY thinks that he is clever, but somehow XX is one step ahead from him). New account??For what?? XX thinks she knows why, but it's better just keep it to herself. Well, as I told earlier, XX instinct can be trusted (not 100%, but reliable) coz this is not the first time 'ke-kantoi-an' happened. Actually happened several times but still XX can count them with her fingers, and keep all of them in buku 555 (buku hutang :p ).
I believe some of us or many of us faced this kind of situation or similar. Perhaps, some people will said, 'that's just coincident' or 'she's just lucky'. Never mind, coz the main point that I want to highlight here is not about XX instinct BUT "To Whom You Want To Lie Or Hide??".
Sebagai manusia, kita tak terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan termasuklah berbohong dan menyembunyikan sesuatu dari pengetahuan orang tertentu atas apa-apa alasan sekalipun. And there's no term such as 'Tipu Sunat'. Tipu tetap satu dosa... dan dalam Islam, Matlamat Tidak Menghalalkan Cara.
Tapi, pernahkah kita berfikir kembali, kepada siapa sebenarnya kita menipu dan bersembunyi? Of course dengan orang tertentu yang kita niatkan, tapi jangan sesekali lupa yang kita juga cuba menipu Allah s.w.t. Kenapa I berkata begitu? Allah telah melarang kita daripada berbohong dan apabila tetap dilakukan perkara tersebut maka kita juga menipu Allah, seolah-olah Dia tidak melihat dan tidak mengetahui apa yang kita kerjakan. Ingatlah, sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Melihat, Maha Mendengar dan Maha Mengetahui setiap apa yang kita kerjakan dan juga setiap apa yang ada di hati setiap hamba Nya. Namun masih kita leka kerana itu sifat manusia, selalu lupa.
Allah Taala berfirman, "Katakanlah wahai Muhammad, sekalipun engkau semua sembunyikan apa-apa yang ada di dalam hatimu ataupun engkau sekalian tampakkan, pasti diketahui juga oleh Allah."(Al-Imran, ayat 29)
Mungkin kita merasakan bahawa pembohongan kita tidak akan diketahui oleh orang tersebut, tapi Allah itu Maha Adil, Maha Kuasa. Dengan izin Nya, bila-bila masa saja Allah akan menunjukkan segala pembohongan
yang kita dilakukan kepada orang yang teraniaya tersebut. Maybe today... tomorrow... here in dunya or in the after world. We'll never know.
So, when looking back to this story, it makes me think that, to whom actually that we want to lie? How long we wanna keep lying? Maybe we scared that one day people will now the truth... but aren't we more afraid of Allah, The One who always know what are we doing and thinking all the time? Kita lebih takut orang tahu apa yang kita lakukan daripada takut kepada Allah. Itulah yang selalu manusia lakukan, malah I pun tak terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan yang sama. Jika tersedar dari kesilapan, maka, berusahalah untuk bertaubat, meminta keampunan daripada Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang.
Actually, many things we can learn from others experience. Perhaps we gone through the same thing ( become a liar or a victim ) but we never take time to analyze the situation and never evaluate ourselves. I hope from this moment, together we try to improve ourselves, little by little if we cannot make a big change. Well, small steps but continuously and consistent is much better that a big change but only for a while and not effective. Seperti peribahasa, hangat-hangat tahi ayam. Remember, Allah knows everything and there's nothing that you can hide from Him.
That's all for sharing today.
Dear readers, there's something that I wanna share with you guys. A true story and hope that we can learn something from it.
One morning, XX woke up from her sleep. Entah kenapa tetiba rasa tak sedap hati. Terasa lain sekali. There's a strong instinct inside XX that keep telling her that something fishy is going on with XY. XX really believe her instinct coz it's proven many times.
So, as a routine XX log in into her social network account. Then she went to her friend's page (lets call her YZ) to see the pics that YZ uploaded. There you go!!! Look what XX found. This XY keep telling XX that he felt boring with all these social network stuff and called them crap or bla..bla..bla.. But the funny thing is, XY has another new social network account!! And unfortunately for XY, he doesn't know that YZ is a friend with XX (XY thinks that he is clever, but somehow XX is one step ahead from him). New account??For what?? XX thinks she knows why, but it's better just keep it to herself. Well, as I told earlier, XX instinct can be trusted (not 100%, but reliable) coz this is not the first time 'ke-kantoi-an' happened. Actually happened several times but still XX can count them with her fingers, and keep all of them in buku 555 (buku hutang :p ).
I believe some of us or many of us faced this kind of situation or similar. Perhaps, some people will said, 'that's just coincident' or 'she's just lucky'. Never mind, coz the main point that I want to highlight here is not about XX instinct BUT "To Whom You Want To Lie Or Hide??".
Sebagai manusia, kita tak terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan termasuklah berbohong dan menyembunyikan sesuatu dari pengetahuan orang tertentu atas apa-apa alasan sekalipun. And there's no term such as 'Tipu Sunat'. Tipu tetap satu dosa... dan dalam Islam, Matlamat Tidak Menghalalkan Cara.
Tapi, pernahkah kita berfikir kembali, kepada siapa sebenarnya kita menipu dan bersembunyi? Of course dengan orang tertentu yang kita niatkan, tapi jangan sesekali lupa yang kita juga cuba menipu Allah s.w.t. Kenapa I berkata begitu? Allah telah melarang kita daripada berbohong dan apabila tetap dilakukan perkara tersebut maka kita juga menipu Allah, seolah-olah Dia tidak melihat dan tidak mengetahui apa yang kita kerjakan. Ingatlah, sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Melihat, Maha Mendengar dan Maha Mengetahui setiap apa yang kita kerjakan dan juga setiap apa yang ada di hati setiap hamba Nya. Namun masih kita leka kerana itu sifat manusia, selalu lupa.
Allah Taala berfirman, "Katakanlah wahai Muhammad, sekalipun engkau semua sembunyikan apa-apa yang ada di dalam hatimu ataupun engkau sekalian tampakkan, pasti diketahui juga oleh Allah."(Al-Imran, ayat 29)
Mungkin kita merasakan bahawa pembohongan kita tidak akan diketahui oleh orang tersebut, tapi Allah itu Maha Adil, Maha Kuasa. Dengan izin Nya, bila-bila masa saja Allah akan menunjukkan segala pembohongan
yang kita dilakukan kepada orang yang teraniaya tersebut. Maybe today... tomorrow... here in dunya or in the after world. We'll never know.
So, when looking back to this story, it makes me think that, to whom actually that we want to lie? How long we wanna keep lying? Maybe we scared that one day people will now the truth... but aren't we more afraid of Allah, The One who always know what are we doing and thinking all the time? Kita lebih takut orang tahu apa yang kita lakukan daripada takut kepada Allah. Itulah yang selalu manusia lakukan, malah I pun tak terlepas dari melakukan kesilapan yang sama. Jika tersedar dari kesilapan, maka, berusahalah untuk bertaubat, meminta keampunan daripada Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun, Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang.
Actually, many things we can learn from others experience. Perhaps we gone through the same thing ( become a liar or a victim ) but we never take time to analyze the situation and never evaluate ourselves. I hope from this moment, together we try to improve ourselves, little by little if we cannot make a big change. Well, small steps but continuously and consistent is much better that a big change but only for a while and not effective. Seperti peribahasa, hangat-hangat tahi ayam. Remember, Allah knows everything and there's nothing that you can hide from Him.
That's all for sharing today.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Dikala Orang Yang Tersayang Menghampakan Kita
Terasa sedih akan hati hamba Allah. Feels empty, frustrated, sad... when the loved ones disappointed you. After all what you did, what you gave, what you sacrificed, love, heart, loyalty...just for him/her. Always be there during their ups and downs. But, in the end... they paid all of it with being unfaithful, dishonest, just playing around with your heart. Knowing all of these, just break your heart into thousand pieces. Only Allah knows our heart. Our feeling. Our sadness.
Tapi, pernahkah kita berfikir kembali... tatkala kita dalam kesusahan, kepada siapa kita meminta dan berdoa? Hanya Allah yang mampu mengeluarkan kita dari segala kekusutan dan permasalah. Ketika itu, kita berdoa dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan ikhlas kepada Nya, agar diberikan penyelesaian.
Namun, apabila sudah berada dalam kesenangan, kemana perginya rasa syukur? mana perginya doa? We repay all the His kindness by being ungrateful, forget all the loves that He gave us. We rather gave our hearts, loves and loyalty to human, more than what we should give to Him.
Memberi sepenuh kasih sayang, rasa cinta, kesetiaan kepada manusia... belum tentu mereka akan membalas dengan kebaikan serupa. Tapi, apabila segala rasa cinta, kesetiaan, kasih sayang dan taat diberikan kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan membalasnya dengan pahala, rasa cinta, kasih sayang, ketenangan yang berlipat ganda.
When we are in grieve, as a human being, we also need someone to talk to... perhaps good friends or family. It is very lucky to have friends who will always be by your side during our happy and sad times. Who will help you and guide you back to the right track. They are your true friends.
Jadi, beringatlah, jangan pernah ditinggalkan Allah dalam hati dan kehidupan kita. Samada dalam susah mahupun senang. Jadilah hamba yang bersyukur. Berpada-pada lah ketika memberi kasih sayang dan segala yang kita ada buat orang yang kita cintai, jangan sampai melebihi daripada apa yang sepatutnya dan jangan sampai melanggar perintah Nya.
Terasa sedih akan hati hamba Allah. Feels empty, frustrated, sad... when the loved ones disappointed you. After all what you did, what you gave, what you sacrificed, love, heart, loyalty...just for him/her. Always be there during their ups and downs. But, in the end... they paid all of it with being unfaithful, dishonest, just playing around with your heart. Knowing all of these, just break your heart into thousand pieces. Only Allah knows our heart. Our feeling. Our sadness.
Tapi, pernahkah kita berfikir kembali... tatkala kita dalam kesusahan, kepada siapa kita meminta dan berdoa? Hanya Allah yang mampu mengeluarkan kita dari segala kekusutan dan permasalah. Ketika itu, kita berdoa dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan ikhlas kepada Nya, agar diberikan penyelesaian.
Namun, apabila sudah berada dalam kesenangan, kemana perginya rasa syukur? mana perginya doa? We repay all the His kindness by being ungrateful, forget all the loves that He gave us. We rather gave our hearts, loves and loyalty to human, more than what we should give to Him.
Allah S.W.T telah berfirman, " Maka apabila mereka naik kapal, mereka berdoa kepada Allah dengan penuh rasa pengabdian (ikhlas) kepada-Nya, tetapi ketika Allah menyelamatkan mereka sampai ke darat, malah mereka (kembali) mempersekutukan (Allah)" (Ar-Rum, ayat 65)
Memberi sepenuh kasih sayang, rasa cinta, kesetiaan kepada manusia... belum tentu mereka akan membalas dengan kebaikan serupa. Tapi, apabila segala rasa cinta, kesetiaan, kasih sayang dan taat diberikan kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan membalasnya dengan pahala, rasa cinta, kasih sayang, ketenangan yang berlipat ganda.
When we are in grieve, as a human being, we also need someone to talk to... perhaps good friends or family. It is very lucky to have friends who will always be by your side during our happy and sad times. Who will help you and guide you back to the right track. They are your true friends.
Jadi, beringatlah, jangan pernah ditinggalkan Allah dalam hati dan kehidupan kita. Samada dalam susah mahupun senang. Jadilah hamba yang bersyukur. Berpada-pada lah ketika memberi kasih sayang dan segala yang kita ada buat orang yang kita cintai, jangan sampai melebihi daripada apa yang sepatutnya dan jangan sampai melanggar perintah Nya.
1st Entry
Assalamualaikum dear readers,
Phewww!!! This is my first entry. The main reason why I come out with this blog is b'coz I need a place to share things that I know. Anything.... perhaps about daily experience, Islamic thought, or even recipe (coz I love to bake and cook)... whether it's from me, my frens or from other sources. And it's must be useful to others.
I akan guna bahasa malaysia dan english untuk my post. Ikut mana-mana yang I rasa selesa. Nervous jugak masa buat decision nak buat blog ni.
Right now, I'm in a journey to find peace inside me by back to the basic which is Islam. I hope that all of you will give me your full support.
Alright, this is enough as my 1st entry. :)
Phewww!!! This is my first entry. The main reason why I come out with this blog is b'coz I need a place to share things that I know. Anything.... perhaps about daily experience, Islamic thought, or even recipe (coz I love to bake and cook)... whether it's from me, my frens or from other sources. And it's must be useful to others.
I akan guna bahasa malaysia dan english untuk my post. Ikut mana-mana yang I rasa selesa. Nervous jugak masa buat decision nak buat blog ni.
Alright, this is enough as my 1st entry. :)
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